November 17, 2006

comments on teacher maybelle...(oooh! i'm nervous)

from the very start, i have already considered Ms. Gallardo a teacher to me, she is not like some other "teachers" out there who don't much deserve being called one.. i like her style of teaching because it does not bore me. she tries her best to reach the minds of every single student but still we tend to fail. the problem is not her 'coz it's within us, if only we allot the right amount of time for us to consider computer science even once and only if we cope up with the enthusiasm our teacher has for the subject... there wouldn't be any problem. i really admire your patience and consideration for every mistake we commit during classes and hands-on sessions. i hope that you'll not lose this patience in putting into our minds the right things.. just remember that there are students who are at your back, ready to support.. (",)

lesson i least like...

this is an easy one, in my own perspective, the least likeable lesson we had ever taken up is the switch statement! this is the lesson i hate the most for it jumbled my confused mind making it hard for me to cope with the lesson. i was always uncertain in everything i did related to this lesson to the point that i always referred to my notes because i can't remember the syntax and format! i never really had the interest i have for the for statement. i think interest and will power is just what drives students to take the lesson easily and not make it a burden. even when we took our quiz regarding the lesson, it took me the whole allotted time for answering because i really had to seek the farthest of my thoughts just to remember how the program will look like with the given switch statements. i answered the items only when mrs. gallardo cued us to exchange papers... but i guess luck was on my side when i came to know that i still got seven out of ten...

the lesson i'm most interested in...

it sounds funny that i don't have any favorite lesson in this quarter. it is for the reason that i took all of them as equal and never did have favored any of them, but to choose one i am most interested in, it would be the for statements. it just has something that keeps me wanting more. maybe it is because i am curious about how we can use it besides printing a series of numbers. this boosted my enthusiasm in taking the lesson. i am really happy that Ms. Gallardo has taught us the looping statements and i am looking forward to the two other types of looping statements which i expect to be more interesting...

November 16, 2006

My Second quarter life in Comp. Sci

For me, this quarter is a lot easier and than the previous one. It had lesser lessons only that the new lessons were tougher. I am really surprised (like this kid here -->) and happy that in the periodic test, i got a high score compared to the 23 i got before. this quarter has been so memorable that i almost would not like journeying through another quarter which i expect to be more challenging and mind-buggling.